CHANGE LOG OF SNMP4J-AgentJMX ============================= [2014-05-12] v2.1.0 * Improved: Generics support (removed unchecked warnings and introduced missing template parameters). [2012-04-04] v2.0.0 * Released under the Apache 2 License. * Added: Generics support. * Fixed: Several small issues regarding value transformation. [2010-06-09] v1.1.1 * Updated: SNMP4J to 1.11.1 and SNMP4J-Agent to 1.4.1. [2010-02-20] v1.1 * Updated: SNMP4J to 1.11 and SNMP4J-Agent to 1.4. [2009-10-22] v1.0 * Updated: SNMP4J to 1.10.2 and SNMP4J-Agent to 1.3.2. * Added: Maven build support. [2009-09-21] v1.0 beta-1 * Added: multi-index / multi-key support through chaining MBeanAttributeKeyProvider instances. * Fixed: jvmMemMgrPoolRelEntry was not linked to JMX in * Fixed: UnsupportedOperationException when using Long keys in conjunction with MBeanAttributeKeyProvider. [2007-04-02] v1.0 alpha-0 * Initial release: Use at your own risk! Most JavaDoc is missing although the code should be fairly complete. Mutable table model is not complete yet, for example.